Successful re-accreditation by AGPAL achieved in October 2016
Heathmont General Practice first achieved accreditation by Australian General Practice Accreditation Ltd. (AGPAL) in 2013. In the recent triennial assessment we have again achieved excellent standards and were successfully re-accredited by AGPAL. Thank you to all our patients for your ongoing support and for your patient survey responses! Our staff were highly commended by the…
Register for My Health Record
Have you registered for your “My Health Record” yet? The doctors at Heathmont General Practice can now help with your eHealth needs, with the introduction of My Health Record. My Health Record is a secure online summary of your health information. You control what goes into it, and who can access it. My Health Record…
Compass Trial – Future Directions in Cervical Screening
Heathmont General Practice is taking part in the Compass trial for pap smears. This is a trial comparing 2.5 yearly pap testing with the 5 yearly HPV test. The trial is being undertaken by VCS (Victorian Cytology Service) in conjunction with Cancer Council NSW. If you are aged 25-69 and is due to have your…